What Does a Ruby Developer Do

What Does a Ruby Developer Do

A Ruby developer is an expert in the programming language called Ruby and the framework “Ruby on Rails”. This type of programmer uses and manipulates web application logic on the server-side or back-end. Ruby developers has the expertise to impressive d web-based applications and websites. 

A proficient Ruby developer is skilled in coding the back-end of web applications and command-line utilities. 

To fully understand the roles and responsibilities of Ruby developers, here is an overview of Ruby on Rails. 

Ruby on Rails 

To build web-based software and APIs, programmers usually make use of server-side frameworks. There are many frameworks to choose from. One of the more popular ones is Ruby on Rails. 

This  framework acts like a bridge between the server-side and the web application. Ruby is the open-source programming language  and the Rails is the framework that holds it

Ruby on Rails uses software engineering patterns like convention over configuration (CoC), don’t repeat yourself (DRY), and model-view-controller pattern (MVC). 

The MVC approach classifies codes into three parts:

  • Model – contains the data structure of the application.
  • View – the visual part of the web app (web page templates).
  • Controller – holds the business logic of the application. It delivers the data from the Model to the View.

As a framework Ruby on Rails (Rails) is capable of creating default structures for web services, web pages, and databases.  Standard web tools and languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON or XML can be used within the Ruby on Rails framework. 

The effects of Rails on web app development is huge because it encouraged innovative features and rapid development of applications. Newer web frameworks like Django (Python language), Yii (PHP language), and Sails.js (Node.js language) took inspiration from Rails. 

Ruby on Rails is an efficient, dynamic, and flexible way of writing code when programming. The Ruby syntax consists of blocks of code. This structure minimizes the error when developers change the instruction line.

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The other advantages of Ruby on Rails include :

  • reducing code repetition
  • saving time by focusing on writing unique codes  

Responsibilities of Ruby Developers 

The main responsibility of Ruby developers falls on the back-end section of web-based software development. These programmers code new applications as well as maintain existing applications. 

Employers expect Ruby developers to be able to write Ruby codes that have the following qualities:

  • Efficient
  • Reusable
  • Reliable
  • scalable 

Creating a database is one of the duties of Ruby developers. This is why they must understand data storage solutions and SQL to build database schemas and integrate various data sources. 

 Other specific duties of Ruby developers include:

  • building logic and libraries to create the new web application.
  • Identifying and fixing bugs
  • Troubleshooting
  • providing quality assurance feedback
  • testing codes
  • Connect applications with other web services
  • Maintaining APIs

Ruby developers understand the fundamental design principles and object-oriented programming. This type of developer typically has a deep understanding of well-known front-end coding languages like CSS, HTML, and Javascript. 

Rub developers will also need to be familiar with:

  • template engines (HAML, Slim, and ERB)
  • CSS preprocessors (Sass, the RESTful API process)
  • MVC framework
  • version control programs ( Git).
  • command-suite libraries (Thor and GLI)
  • development aiding tools (Rake, Bundler, Bower, Rake)

Employers highly prize Ruby developers who are familiar with or have experience in other popular web application frameworks like Lotus.  

Aside from superior programming skills and expertise in the Ruby-on-Rails language, Ruby developers should be skilled in testing and quality assurance when developing tools and software. They should be able to troubleshoot and solve problems using automated testing platforms. 

Ruby developers usually do not work on projects by themselves. They are commonly a member of a team and need to work with frontend developers to make sure both sides (front-end and back-end) of the application work seamlessly. The other team members can include QA Engineers, Back-end developers, and a project manager. 

Because they work with different people, Ruby developers must also possess soft skills such as time management, effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork. 

Companies or organizations may use technologies not familiar to a new Ruby developer. Therefore, a Ruby developer should be willing and capable of learning new technologies they may not be familiar with. Being adaptable and docile are desirable qualities of an excellent Ruby developer. 

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How to Become a Ruby Developer

Many Ruby developers have a bachelor’s degree n computer science and computer architecture. However, some companies may not require these formal degrees because Ruby is a relatively new programming language and is not taught in all university computer science programs. Most employers look for verified work experience in Ruby on Rails and software development. 

They also have strong knowledge and skills in programming and software development. A typical Ruby developer does not just solely use Ruby on Rails; he/she is also proficient in other programming languages and frameworks.  

People who have basic understanding of coding and app development, can learn Ruby on Rails easier. Coders who have a solid knowledge of other programming languages will be able to master Ruby on Rails at a faster rate. 

The Ruby Association is an organization that aims to develop and enhance the Ruby programming language. This organization offers Ruby certifications, which prospective developers take to add to their credentials. 

Salaries of Ruby developers may vary a bit depending on the region, but it is considered a high-paying and stable job.  Indeed.com reports that the average salary of a Ruby Developer in the United States is $133,122.  

Industries Using Ruby Developers

This profession is in demand in many industries. The web application industry is the number one employer of Ruby developers. Large companies like Basecamp, Shopify, Hulu, and Airbnb, use Ruby on Rails. Many other industries require Ruby developers to manage their back-end applications and configuration.  

Ruby consultants or developers can work for web services, retailers, tech companies, and media. If the company receives a large amount of traffic and has web applications and services, it needs a Ruby on Rails developer. 

Working Conditions of Ruby Developers

Ruby developers can work for a company or freelance. It is also possible for them to work remotely or in part-time positions. When they have full-time positions with a company, they work standard business hours. 

Their work roles and positions will most likely vary at every company, but the core skills remain the same. Aside from their major responsibilities, these developers usually perform standard office tasks like attending team meetings and answering emails.

Ruby developers can also become more general back-end developers without much complication. Most Ruby developers who want to handle the back-end side of web software development also learn other popular programming languages like Java. When a Ruby developer is more interested in front-end software technology, he/she can also consider moving to a full stack developer or software engineer role. 


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